
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

5 Types of Anxiety Disorders And Symptoms You Should Know

There are very many stressful medical conditions affecting people. One among the top stressful medical conditions that people suffer is anxiety disorders.

A great majority of people suffer from anxiety disorders of one form or the other. The degree of disturbance also varies widely from person to person. It is essential to seek medical advice and attention as swiftly as possible whenever you discover any sign of the disorder creeping in. This is because anxiety disorders tend to grow increasingly worse when not attended to.

See below different types ( of anxiety disorders:

1. Panic disorders

Like we have said earlier, anxiety disorders can manifest through a variety of forms. Panic disorder is one of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders. This disorder is one in which the person has unexpected panic attacks repeatedly. The individual is under constant panic attacks and is unable to handle and put a stop to it. Panic attacks can occur in stages and have a range of intensities.

The good news is that panic attacks can be controlled with medical care and behavioural control. You need expert advice to enable you to work out the best suited way for you to manage the situation behaviourally as well as prescription of the best suited medication by your health personnel.

2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
 Also, among the common types of anxiety disorders ( -) are the obsessive-compulsive disorders. With obsessive compulsive disorder, the sufferer has uncontrollable and unwanted urges to perform a certain task, such as brushing their hair a certain number of times. This too can be controlled with the help of an expert. A psychologist or a counsellor may be handy to use here.

Your doctor should also be able to give you expert advice plus prescribe drugs like the right sedative suitable for your own peculiar needs as well as the dosage to help reduce your stressful conditions to a minimal level.

3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
There are also types of anxiety disorders that do not have to do with genetic conditions. The most readily available examples of this are from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Victims of this disorder react to previous trauma which they had that disastrously affected their psyche. This usually triggers unusual patterns of behaviours or reactions toward stressful conditions.

These anxiety disorder patients have persistent frightening thoughts and memories of an event that was extremely stressful, such as a car wreck or a military battle.

4. Phobia
Phobia also falls under the category of anxiety disorders. This type of anxiety disorder is very much attached and related to fear. Phobia anxiety disorders can be further sub-divided into Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, milliophobia and very many different types of things. People can fear a number of things, including small spaces.

Claustrophobia is fear of small spaces, arachnophobia is fear of spiders or other types of arachnids, and Milliophobia is the fear of millipedes or any other type of myriapoda and so on. Phobias are usually irrational and very intense and proximity to the feared item or being placed in the feared situation will usually cause a panic attack.

5. GAD- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Many people suffering from an anxiety disorder are simply diagnosed with GAD, ( or Generalize Anxiety Disorder. GAD is a condition in which the person is experiencing anxiety and worry in levels higher than typical, but they are not having panic attacks or experiencing other medical conditions. Heightened anxiety and worry can be very un-stabilizing and disturbing and must be taken seriously just like other types of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety disorder knows no friend. It can creep in into the lives of every individual if care is not taken. Anxiety disorder has no respect for age, economic status, race, religion, or gender. It can affect every Tom, Dick and Harry.

The good news is that technological advancement has currently made it increasingly possible to develop ways to manage and take care of these disorders in a greater degree and on a daily basis.

The major thing is to discover that you have the signs of these disorders when they are still in their early stages. Just like every other sickness and disease, the healing process and time is quicker when there is early discovery and diagnosis than when the situations have deteriorated.  Being able to do this means you have right there in your hands a sure key to open the door to your healing and happiness.

 Do not hesitate to make contact with your doctor ( › ... › anxiety index ) to help you with suggestions, recommendations and prescriptions that will get you back to normal in the shortest possible times. This is an extremely necessary thing for you to do. You need to book an appointment with your doctor immediately whenever you discover traces of the disorder. Not to worry, if you haven’t got the disorder, your doctor will tell you. It is better to be late than the late. 

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