
Saturday, 19 March 2016

20 Top Ways To Improve Your Child's Diet

The healthiest groups of food for children and adults are fruits and vegetables.  Even though this is widely known, it is a little wonder why it is just about 20 percent of children within the age of 6 to 12 who get the required minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

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Here are top 20 ways to get your child eat healthier and add more fruits and vegetables to his/her diet 
1. Washed and sliced fruits and vegetables:
When on the move with your child, to make it easy for your child to eat, have with you washed vegetables and fruits and slice them in bits. Serve yogurt with fruit flavor as a plunging sauce for fruit, and salad covering for vegetables.  To give them additional protein, serve those sliced vegetables with peanut butter or slightly creamed cheese.

2. Incorporate fruit in their breakfast

Make it fun for them and chop fruits into tiny square bits. Add the square bits to your choices of breakfasts like yogurt, pancakes, cereals, and muffin batters. You can as well offer them the fruits separately.

3. Make fruits into smoothies

Blend the fruits whether fresh or frozen and serve them together with milk, soy milk, or yogurt. You can mix them together to form smoothie. They are great and can as well be used with a grand snack or beverage.

4. Plan the makings for tacos, burritos, or tortillas

Plan and organize the makings of tacos, burritos, or tortillas servings of food that permit children to insert assortments of vegetables into their diet. Have sliced lettuce, hoped tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, carrots, and extra vegetables handy for these Tex-Mex servings of food.

5. Prepare Shredded or diced vegetables

 Add shredded or sliced vegetables to common foods like tomato or spaghetti sauce. You can also add them to soups, chilies, pasta. Also, there is no harm to add them to stir-fries, and macaroni and cheese dishes.

6. Make healthier French fries

When your child wants a serving of French fries, Slice a potato into eight wedges, rub them a little oil or melted butter and sprinkle with your preferred seasonings. Bake the potato at 375°F (190°C) for about 40 minutes until the color turns brown on all sides. Also try this routine with sweet potatoes.

7. Treat your Child with exceptional healthy treats

 For a remarkable dessert, immerse a banana in a lower-fat chocolate sauce or maple syrup and cover with chopped nuts. You can as well cover them with Grape Nuts cereal and Freeze. Try chopping your favorite fruit and dropping in a lukewarm lower-fat chocolate sauce as a fondue.

8. Don't Buy junk foods

Clear your house of junk foods  like Chips, donuts, hot dogs, cookies, candy bars etc and stock your house with healthier foods. Set a limit of junk food you could buy. If you don’t buy them, your children won’t eat them.

9. Find Healthy Substitutes

The game is to find healthy substitutes . It is not enough to just tell them no. Make sure you replace the junk foods with healthier ones like pita bread pizzas and homemade lean grilled burgers instead of oily fast food.

10. Promote Choices

A great way to change your children’s eating habits is to offer them choices. Put a limit to the choice by asking your child for example ‘would you prefer green beans, broccoli, or squash with the chicken? In the same vein take your kids to the grocery store with you and allow them select healthy snacks and foods.

11. Initiate diversity

Do not make their healthy diet boring. On a regular basis, initiate new healthy ingredients and recipes to keep your children’s interest going. Make a list of fruits and vegetables you have not tried and introduce them on a regular basis.

12. Give Explanation Of Risks

It is important to explain to your kids the need for the diet changes. Tell them why some foods are healthier than others. Explain to them the disadvantages of junk foods like heart disease, obesity, liver trouble, strokes, and diabetes.

13. Let Your Kids Join You Cooking

Your children will be interested to eat better when you allow them to cook with you. You can get cook-books for kids and get each kid to choose the meal that they want to make. They tend to eat more when they are involved in making it.

14. Establish an Eat-Only-in-the-Kitchen Rule

Controlling where your children can eat definite foods is an extra simple way of doing away with unhealthy snacks. You can for example make a rule of all food inside the kitchen. Or you can permit your children to eat only fruits and veggies outside the kitchen.

15. Present Rewards

You can reward healthy eating with non food prizes. Also you can make a deal with them; if they eat healthy meals they will get points. The more the points the more rewards.

16. Make changes gradually

Substituting white breads and pasta for whole grains isn't at all times simple due to the variation in taste and texture. In situations like that a gradual transition is recommended. 

 You could begin with 3/4 plain white and 1/4 whole wheat and slowly increase the amount till they eat just whole wheat.

17. Permit Occasional Treats

You can treat your children occasionally with junk foods. Periods like Christmas, birthday, Halloween etc can be used for treat. Or you can choose one meal time in a week and make it junk meal day.

18. Low calorie candies

Replace high calorie and low nutritional candies with low calorie and high nutritional ones. Try the new Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Bar from Amazing Grass. It is just not delicious but contains lot more nutrition.

19. Healthier soups

Some soups containing deep fried ramen noodles are fun to eat but less nutritious. They contain loads of sodium and calories. Find a better option and healthier soups when your children opt for soups.

20. A healthier servings of seafood

Many children like popcorn shrimp and chicken. They are dip fried and have high calorie content. It is better to treat your children with SeaPak's Popcorn Shrimps which are not deep fried.

I hope that these tips will give you enough foundation to start your child on a long-lasting life of healthy eating. Please help us share this article o your friends if you find this tips helpful. Feel free to let us know any tip we left out. We'd be much please to consider it and add it to our list next time we update.

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