In normal situation a woman will experience it just before or after her menstruation. A foul smelly discharge type can be a sign of bacterial or viral STD infections like that of genital wart virus. It is a fishy and distasteful smell in the vagina that is connected with nasty secretions as a result of a mixture of causes.
The secretions would normally result in skin irritation and swelling of the lips of the vagina. It is known that 30% of women face the problem of foul smelling vaginal discharge which can be very embarrassing.
The secretions would normally result in skin irritation and swelling of the lips of the vagina. It is known that 30% of women face the problem of foul smelling vaginal discharge which can be very embarrassing.
You could be suffering from leucorrhea if you are experiencing one or more of the following:
· Vaginal pain
· Vaginal discharge
· White discharge
· Urinary tract infection
· Yellow discharge
A few more common vaginal infections that cause odor are yeast infections as well known as bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis , toilet Infections, Urinary Tract Infection, and Candidasis, the Chlamydia and e-coli that can cause Pelvic Inflammatory disease. After first being diagnosed by a doctor, “LAVet” Feminine Hygiene Wash cures these infections. Vaginal odor ought to improve once the infection is gone.
Although many women sometimes tend to shy away from the truth especially when it comes to sexual health, deep down their heart, they know it is true, that occasionally women have to battle with irritations and infections in the vaginal areas which if left untreated could cause major health issues.
Majority of women although aware that they have problem, are unwilling to share it to obtain help. Even when there are credible health tips and remedies, many entertain fear about using the products for varieties of reasons including the society’s norms.
Gone are those days when people deem it taboo to talk about issues that relate to sexual health. With a changing world and new discoveries being made on a day to day basis, it does no harm to embrace change. Whether we like it or not, change is a thing which is always constant. To move on with new tides of life, we must embrace change.
Majority of women especially those from remote places with difficulties accessing proper medical help, the less informed and under aged pregnant women have issues after delivery. Some of them have their vaginal wall and hole excessively enlarged that they don’t only feel uncomfortable but they are unable to hold urine. Some women who do not know that there is a remedy for their problem suffer from continuous urine leakage and are traumatized and even abandoned by their husbands or partners.
Some have to go under the scissors to get their situation corrected. Such women feel under as if they are wearing over-sized clothes. They no longer enjoy the tighter sensation and stimulation during sex. There is no doubt that good and healthy sexual relation is essential for a happy and healthy marriage.
The problem obviously could jeopardize your relationship. Not only is it dehumanizing for a woman to be leaking urine constantly; her husband if able to cope with that has to do a lot to maintain their sexual relation. He has to labor hard to bring her wife to orgasm and the woman’s vagina too because it is now more loose does not offer the man the previous sexual stimulation and pleasure he enjoys during intercourse.
Here we are today, with a God-given natural remedy for this debilitating and humiliating sexual health condition of women. Although not all women face this situation, a lot of women suffer in silence not knowing what to do. This good news really needs to reach them. Even if you aren’t facing the situation, any help you render to such a woman to get it solved, am sure will not be forgotten. Being a woman myself, I know very well how humiliating it could be.
In spite of the fact that Kegel exercise we are taught during antenatal is very helpful in this regard, often times we discover that we need additional help to get our vagina tighter and stiffer again. This is what Lavet does for women who use it.
I have read from a few women who worry about possible side effects of Lavet but from my researches it has none and no user has complained of any. If you or someone dear to you is on the lookout for a natural and harmless product that both relieves infection, eliminates foul smelly vaginal discharge and helps you to get tighter down there, Lavet is what you need. It has offered enormous benefits to many women who use it. Moreover, you do not have to worry about side effects as Lavet is made from natural extracts which have been clinically proven to possess no side effects.
Still not sure if Lavet is good for you, the review provided by users of the product would convince you of its efficacy and “magic” at eradicating female genital infection issues and offering them a better and more pleasurable sexual life with their husbands.
When Lavet was originally introduced, there were mixed feelings and reactions from people all over the place. Some think the product is fantastic, a few think that the vagina needs no additional cleansing apart from washing with a mild antiseptic soap, others think the product is encouraging sexual promiscuity while on the contrary it actually curtails it. A man who has no intention to cheat his wife or partner may be forced to do so as a result of the wife’s foul smelly virginal discharge but when it is corrected with Lavet such situation is prevented.
Lavet Feminine Hygiene Wash has Natural Ingredients that have been proved by several Health Authorizing Bodies including NAFDAC to cater for your Yeast Infection and cause your vaginal muscles to contract. Lavet has also been proven to boost your sexual feeling resulting to better sex and great orgasms even as it brings back your vagina's elasticity.
Lavet is a natural extract from inimitable combination of herbs, exceedingly safe for clearing vagina inflammations or swellings & Irritations. “LAVet natural astringent product” is composed of Anti-Oxidants, Calcium, Vitamins and Iron. It inhibits and heals the dryness of your vagina drying and at the same time contracts its walls. Lavet eliminates vagina’s itches & scratches together with inflammation.
Lavet is a natural extract from inimitable combination of herbs, exceedingly safe for clearing vagina inflammations or swellings & Irritations. “LAVet natural astringent product” is composed of Anti-Oxidants, Calcium, Vitamins and Iron. It inhibits and heals the dryness of your vagina drying and at the same time contracts its walls. Lavet eliminates vagina’s itches & scratches together with inflammation.
“LAVet” anti-microbial function eliminates bad odor. Lavet herbal liquid reinstates your natural God given feminine juices and flora and makes you more appealing to your partner.
LAV Feminine Hygiene Wash boosts your overall vaginal health. It acts as a natural lubricant; Lavet is blended to produce a Superb Herbal Liquid. “LAVet herbal Liquid” strengthens your pelvic cavity muscles and your entire pelvic floor.
It as well treats excessive white and yellow vaginal discharge, Leucorrhoea and bad odor. The liquid increases progesterone levels in women and enhances sexual sensitivity and stamina thus augmenting your ability to attain recurrent and greater orgasms.
Here are few more benefits you’d get from using Lavet:
It makes you more sexually confident as a woman
· It delays virginal wilting and aging
· It makes tighter your vagina wall
· It enhances your vagina’s grip with your husband’s sexual organ
· It enhances sexual pleasure and excitement during sexual intercourse
How To Use LAVET:
Moisten one of the cotton balls provided in the pack in the morning and insert it after bathing in the morning. In the evening, remove the insertion before you take your bath at night. While bathing, rinse your female genital area with warm to hot water.
To heal itching, burning sensations and the symptoms of foul smelly vaginal discharges, it is recommended that you use the product for 8 consecutive days. Lavet Feminine Hygiene Wash makes you feel as good as new.
For a tighter vagina
After removing the insertion, rinse the vagina with Cold Water. It gets you your vaginal wall more rejuvenated and tighter for a more rewarding sexual relationship. It oozes out a Clean and natural Scent.
Although it has no side effects but just like every other drug, pregnant women and children must consult their doctors before using Lavet.
How and where to get Lavet:
You can buy LAVET from Pharmacies, Supermarkets & Cosmetic Shops round the country. For more intimate advise on using Lavet you can follow them on Twitter @ LavetLadies or @HygienicVgina
For a detailed Info about the product, Visit the Website at: www.yeastinfectionshop.com .
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