
Friday, 15 March 2013

Four Secrets To Maintaining A Healthy And Well Functioning Heart

It is highly unfortunate today that very many people countless in number are being tormented by one heart’s disease or the other. Undoubtedly, it is extremely essential to maintain ourselves and keep as healthy as we possibly can. When it comes to heart’s disease, it is highly necessary that we do everything within our reach to be free from any sort of hearts disease for when it strikes, it can be debilitating.

No sensible person would wish to suffer from this chronic and fatal ill-health of heart disorder, I am sure. It then behooves on us to strive hard to minimize the risk of being affected by taking judicious caution on the kind of food we take, the exercises we engage in and a general health awareness and consciousness.

To be able avoid falling a victim to this obnoxious disease, this health related article comes really handy and gives the opportunity of availing yourself of  valuable ,helpful and useful pieces of  information that you will be happy to have come across. When you read through and practice what you read in your daily life, you stand the chance of remaining fit, fine, healthy and sound both in the mind and in the body. 

Just as we human cannot do without food to live, exercising ourselves constantly is essential to remain healthy. It is of great importance to making the organ, tissues, part of the body healthy over a long period of time. Those who do regular exercise can testify to its efficiency. Consider inculcating exercises into you daily schedule to keep yourself health. You stand the chance of gaining much and not loosing when you do.

To make this achievable here are four secrets for you apply to maintain a healthy heart. You could however also research more on other useful tips that will help you maintain your heart and keep it hale and hearty. The secrets that I’m going to reveal to you here are all about reducing your risk of suffering from a heart’s disease. In the United States, heart disease is one of the main predicaments which people do everything possible to free them from suffering from it. 

The major cause of heart’s disease is eating of too much fatty food and foods with high calorie content in extra to what you body needs are coupled with inactive life styles. 

If  your doctor doctor happens to tell you that you have a higher risk of suffering from a heart related illness or in the history of your family line you  are made susceptible to this debilitating illness ,you must be very cautious or watchful lest you eventual join the league of heart’s disease sufferers. It is a very serious issue and you cannot take it for granted but is required to do everything possible to flee from the impending danger.

 Neglect this, then watch you would soon see a heart’s disorder knock persistently on your door and will never go until it has achieved its purpose of messing you about and destroying your well cherished and reputable state of health.

 If taking this caution could not eliminate the hearts disease risk completely, it could at least keep the risks under reasonable amount of control. You will then not be running a higher risk of suffering from this dreaded disease. Try to incorporate these four secrets into your daily life to maintain a healthy and well functioning heart.

Book appointment constantly with your doctor to check the level cholesterol in your blood! Your doctor would normally   suggest that you exercise regularly, Let your doctor check your cholesterol level regularly. Unless your LDL cholesterol level rises, your doctor will then suggest you to undergo special diet place you on a particular diet .prescribe some medications or give you other possible ways to keep your cholesterol level low.

Your daily routine should include at least 300 minutes of exercise. If you have a tight schedule and cannot as such exercise 30 minutes each day, you should strive to it for at least 3 or more times every week. 

It is essential you get yourself well –organized by incorporating exercise into your daily. In order to avoid heart problems, it is best to do exercises that get the blood circulation in and out of the heart running with a very high velocity and vivacity.

It is of maximum importance that cut down on your intake of alcohol and smoking. When you do away with your smoking habits, you are on the right direction to fleeing from this problem and you will gain because your heart and lung will remain healthy and work efficiently.

If you are overweight, you must strive hard to cut your weight down for you to keep fit and remain healthy. There is always that inclination to eat more especially when one is not disciplined enough. Cultivate an attitude of telling your body that you are in charge and in control of it. 

Don’t be a slave to your bodily desires. If you require expert advice, you could get one from your doctor. It is better when you go for a thorough check –up and eventually carry on with a normal check –ups. When you are overweight you have higher risks of suffering from hearts related diseases.

The heart disease is a serious problem, check out health related articles for more insight into ways you could avoid being the victim. You can also see other useful guides when going through these health-related articles.

Essay On Stem Cell Research

Nowadays, there is so much argument and disagreement about the ethical nature of stem cell research most especially embryonic stem cells’ research. It has been discovered through research that stem cells have the ability to divide, replicate, rejuvenate, grow and transform themselves into any form of cell within the body of living organisms like man. This means that the damaged or wounded parts of a man can be cured, replenished or repaired by the introduction of stem cells into them. In other words, a stem cell can transform itself into a liver cell, a blood cell, a cell in the pancreas, a cell in the heart and a cell in the brain. It can in fact transform into almost all the cell or tissue in the body. In this essay, we will discuss the nature and potential benefits of the stem cell research, how it corresponds with the Christian ethics ,whether it should be continued or not and the reasons why and why not it should be continued
Nature of stem cell research:

Stem cell research is a research directed towards the three types of stem cell. These are totipotent, multipotent and pluripotent stem cell. Pluripotent stem cells have the ability of forming and transforming into all the tissues in the human body. These stem cells are only obtained or seen at a certain stage of the developing human embryo-the blastocyst stage. Multipotent stem cells are moderately differentiated, so that they can form a limited number of tissue types. Multipotent stem cells are obtained from the fetus, in many different tissues in an adult human, blood and umbilical cord. The totipotent stem cells has less ability to redevelop and are only grown into very few number of other type of cells.There are two main types of stem cell research. These are embryonic stem cell research and adult stem research. Embryonic stem cells are taken from developing embryos which usually result to the destruction or death of those embryos. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are taken from the human body most especially from the bone marrow.

Stem cell research potential benefits:

.  It supplies and makes available therapeutic advantages in the areas of cloning and rejuvenating medicine.

. It has an excellent potential of offering treatments and cure for many different diseases that plague man like Parkinson disease, schizophrenia, Alzheimer disease, Cancer, spinal cord damage, diabetes etc.

. Through stem cell research, appendages and organs could be developed in a laboratory from stem cells and subsequently made use of in organ transfer or for curing diseases.

. Stem cell research is useful to scientists in learning and discovering what happens in humans during the growth of cells and the human development in general

. Stem cell research enables scientists and doctors to test tons and tons of newly discovered drugs and medicines without having to try them on human beings and animals because of the potential dangers involved.

. Stem cell research also helps scientist to study the developmental stage in humans which otherwise would be difficult through a developing human embryo. Such studies that are possible with the stem cell can help to get rid of many health issues like birth deformations, miscarriages, still-birth babies and infertility among others.

 A better understanding of what happens during this stage of human development can help physicians do away with the problems before hand.

. Another potential benefit of stem cell research is that through it many treatments have been discovered which helps in the slowing of aging process. Our life spans are thus enhanced and increased.
. Adult stem cell has an added benefit of being able to cure a patient from his or her own stem cells.
. Embryonic stem cells on the other hands has the ability to develop into any type of cell within the body and can offer a lot of help for a wide treatment of diseases than the adult stem cell.

How Stem cell research correspond with the Christian ethics:
For Christians, life is sacred and must be preserved at all cost. Also Christian religion teaches that life begins at fertilization/conception and this means anything a man or woman does to tamper with life starting from this early stage of development of human embryo is prohibited and an act of murder just like the case of killing a full grown human being. It is thus immoral, unethical to conduct embryonic stem cell research which normally destroys the blastocysts formed from the human fertilized ova in the lab. Christian faith however gives credit to the adult stem cell research which does not result in the destruction of life.

Should stem cell research continue? Why or why not?
To give a direct answer to this question is very tricky. In answering this question, I would say that stem cell research should be continued with discretion and good judgment. What do I mean by this? When we put together all the potential benefits of stem cell research, it is easy to see that a lot of human life would be lost without a possible cure for the diseases that plague man. For the sake of the many lives that could be lost without these potential benefits of stem cell research, I would suggest that the research be continued especially the adult stem cell research. 

This is because no life is lost during the process. Again, when we consider that as a result of embryonic stem cell research, many unborn life within and outside the womb has been destroyed, I would suggest that a stop be put to stem cell research especially the embryonic stem cell research. 

The scientists, researchers and doctors who conduct these researches must consider the pros and cons of the research they want to conduct before embarking upon it. No life should be terminated in order to save another, as every life is the same, equal and essential for a continued human existence whether it is on the early stage of human development or at the later stage of human development.

In conclusion, the disagreement over human stem cell research will continue to raise dust both now and in the future. Our wish/desire is that researchers should be able to come up with a better way of using stem cells to cure the many debilitating diseases that plague human beings without having to terminate life. Life is sacred and must be preserved at all stages by all cost. That embryonic stem cell research can be put into many different uses does not justify the fact that another life has been destroyed in the process. We should be the spokesmen and women of these unborn children that are killed daily through this stem cell research bearing in mind that the end does not justify the means and will never do.


Boost The Immune System Of Your Child

You may already be wondering inside you what you could do to boost the immune system of your child. The fact is that it is very possible to boost your child’s immune system starting from when  the baby is still in the womb. When you take the correct amount of vitamins you need as a pregnant mother as well as diet containing all the essential nutrients required by you and your baby in the right proportion, you are already doing a great job-helping to boost the immune system of your child before birth.
The immune system of children is very poor compared to that of adults. Their immune system get more developed and advanced as they get older. This is why it is essential to vaccinate children very early in life. Small children also tend to take ill more than adults especially during a cold or rainy season. It is not uncommon for your little one to suffer from common cold occasionally, for example. Though this can be prevented and your child will live healthier.

One way to help your little one stay healthier is by boosting his or her immune system. When the immune system of your child is good, his or her body is protected from illnesses and diseases that may be difficult for them to bear especially at their tender age. When you work to improve the immune system of your children, you are minimizing their risk of falling ill and even in some cases, curbing it entirely.

If you have already started early to help your child keep healthy while pregnant by taking the right proportion of food essential for your health and that of the unborn child in the womb; it is advisable for you to continue with this good and noble act even after your child is born. When your child is born, progress further to improve and boost his or her immune system by breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding for the 1st six months of your baby’s life is great. Among other benefits you stand to gain from exclusively breastfeeding your child is a boost in his or her immune system.

A child that is breastfed stands the chance of being free from dreadful diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, and even diabetes unlike a child that is brought up with formula milk. As your children get older, it is the right time to instruct and guide them on ways of remaining hale and hearty by eating a good diet with the right nutritional value. Let them know it is unwise and unhealthy to form the habit of always going for junk foods that are not well balanced. Well balanced food helps them keep healthy and fit. They must be taught to add enough vegetables and fruits in their daily diet. They will learn gradually as time goes on. However, it is your responsibility to always prepare a well balanced food for your children.

 They need a well balanced food for the proper development of their bones, brain, muscles, nerves, sense organs and others especially their immune system. When you have helped your children in this way, you have not only helped your children to boost their immune system but have gone beyond that to free them from becoming obese which is usually the cradle of many health problems that people suffer from.

Furthermore, you should endeavor to guide your children through the right and appropriate hygiene. Children are always inclined to playing under dirty environment and as such it is very easy for them to contact germs, bacteria and diseases. It is essential therefore to let them know that they ought to wash their hands after playing with dirt outside and also before and after their food. Let them know how essential it is to wash up and remain tidy constantly. To make sure that their teeth is in good condition, instruct them on how to take good care of their teeth by brushing three times a day especially after eating or at least two times a day. The majority of diseases that plague children are viral diseases or bacterial diseases. Teaching them proper hygiene can actually boost their immune system and help them to fight common illnesses like cold, infection, tonsillitis, stomach problems, and lots more.

Adequate sleep is very necessary to ensure a good level of your children’s immune system. Teaching them and making sure that they have up to eight hours of sleep every night is another way to ensure a healthy immune system for your children. Inadequate hours of sleep may be as a result of one illness or the other not only for adult but also for children. Therefore when your children are not getting enough sleep they need, it may make them weaker than their mate who sleep adequately. Also, try to make your children get at least 2 hours of sleep during the day to ensure a healthy immune system.

Exercise is also very good and essential for a healthy and vibrant immune system of your children. When your children are trained to do exercise on a constant basis, you have not only helped them to fight obesity but most importantly to boost their immune system. Train them on the usefulness of getting involved in sports like basketball, baseball, and football.

Conclusively, try always to teach your children by example. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will give your children a good foundation.. You can do this by preparing and eating healthy and balanced foods yourself, doing exercises with them regularly and abstaining from unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking .When you do this, you have not only succeeded in boosting your children's immune system but helped them learn how to live healthy lifestyles.

Managing Your Stress:Learn To Manage Your Stress

Latest research done by scientists indicates that most of the dreaded and fatal diseases that people suffer are largely as a result of stress. Stress is inevitable in the life of any individual; however, your health will not be affected negatively if you master the act of managing and dealing with your stress
The entire globe is full of situations and events that would undoubtedly trigger off stress in one’s life. Notwithstanding who you are, what you are, your financial status, whether you are young or old, man or woman, there is no way life will be bed of roses for you. You must have one thing that will be bothering you at every point in time. As long as you live on the planet earth, you cannot flee from the stress and discomforts of life. That’s short and simple, believe it or not, it is an unarguable truth. What makes one individual better than the other is just how far the individual has mastered the act of managing and dealing with stress.

This applies to every Tom, Dick and Harry. It doesn't matter whether you work in the office, at home or you are schooling, there are definitely things that will deprive you of your peace, happiness and tranquility  plus increase your heart beat and eventually lead to a high blood pressure when not properly managed. Stress is really unavoidable; that your emotional health at present is great doesn't guarantee that it will continue to be the same. When it finally knocks at your door or if you are feeling low currently, you oughtn't give in to it and allow it to control you and be the king and master of your life. You must stand up to it like a man. Experiences of life shape us into better people and when you have mastered the act of handling, managing and dealing with your stress, the effect in your life will be positive rather than negative. I’m a witness to this bitter reality of life.

The commonest cause of stress is inability to sleep which when not handled properly can result in a disease condition known as the insomnia. You must have observed that you feel irritable and cantankerous any time you have a disturbed night sleep. This is so because sleep is a gift to us by the creator to renew and restructure ourselves in the positive direction. If your daily routine is structured to give you only about four hours of sleep, the capacity of the organs of your body to function effectively is grossly affected and your brain too turns out to be cloudy, you will be disorganized and be easily prone to be stressed up. 

Research shows that human body functions more effectively at repairing wounded or malfunctioning cells and tissues from 10 pm and 6 o’clock in the morning. It will them be most appropriate if you form the habit of cuddling up in bed from anything around 10 0’clock in the night to enable your body get adequate hours of sleep it needs. This is another act of managing and dealing with your stress.

 The next important act of handling, managing and dealing with stress is your nutritional diet. It is right to keep you informed that some nutritional diets help you to reduce stress while some others actually increase your susceptibility to stressful conditions. For instance, incorporating omelet in your breakfast helps to make your brain more functional, make you more focused and concentrated. It is so because eggs together with milk, cheese, and nuts for example almonds are highly rich in tyrosine, an amino acid that is essential for increasing focus and attentiveness.

Tyrosine also has other functions and is helpful for the individual to achieve a lot of things concurrently. Sesame seeds are also essential to combat stressful conditions. After doing a hard job, eating some sesame seeds as snacks is highly essential and advisable. Sesame seeds help to fight stress because they contain another type of amino acid- L-arginine. L-arginine functions by relaxing the blood vessels. 

If you are faced with stressful conditions at work or at home, trying sesame seed, cashew nuts, soya beans and peanuts is a good Idea as they all contain the amino acid L-arginine. You can also make use of this tip to help you in managing and dealing with stress.

You may be surprised to know that eating at least one apple a day helps to fight stress. You may have heard that apples are really very good for one’s health. This is so because of its ability to help in stress management. It is also helpful to fight exhaustion and boredom; this is why many people like eating apple. Apple contains a greater quantity of antioxidants which revitalizes your body easily whenever you are facing a stressful condition. The taste is also great and can re-direct your thought from the cause of stress that you are suffering.

Apart from having adequate sleep that your body need daily and taking some foods that help to combat stress, another wonderful way to get rid of stress is through exercise. To form the habit of doing constant exercise, however simple, is not easy to achieve but bearing in mind what you stand to gain from doing exercise will be a great help to encouraging you to work persistently at achieving that. Apart from helping you to burn extra fat stored in your muscles, it is a very good, quickest and an excellent way to get back to a good mood after you have had a bad day. Any time you do some sort of exercise, your body gives out a chemical known as endorphins. 

Endorphins are very good at changing your mood and making you to feel good. One more last thing for you to do is : Don’t allow stress to be kings , queens and masters of your life, instead master and rule over stress with these simple, handy and very effective act of managing and dealing with stress.

Christian Faith And Infertility:Which Way Out!

The problem of infertility has increasingly escalated across the world in an unprecedented manner recently. One would stand and wonder why this is so. There are of course a good number of factors that have resulted to this, for example a very busy and non -relaxing life style. It is however consoling to know that there are solutions for this. 

When it comes to a Christian faith and his or her infertility, the situation becomes more difficult and complicating. This is because there is no straight answer to the reasons or causes of infertility in the Bible. At this point, a couple is really faced with a hard and difficult task of deciding what to do to avert the problem.

Before we delve deep into this issue ,it is essential for us to first of all talk about what infertility means .Infertility in medical terms means inability of a couple to conceive after having an unprotected sex for one year. This is also applicable to a Christian faith and infertility.

There is of course cure for infertility but when a Christian faith is considered, it becomes difficult and the question that may arise is: Is it right to seek the help of a doctor or just sit down ,pray and have unprotected sex as normal waiting for the right time to conceive which could only be determined by fate?

Below are some of the features that makes Christian faith and in fertility a delicate issue. One would ask, is it right to fold your hand and not seek medical attention when things are going wrong like in this case?  Of course, it is not right. A Christian faith shouldn't negate the fact that God who gave us life and the earth plus everything in it to subdue it and master it which is what contributed to the medical innovations that we could avail ourselves of the help they offer.

I must mention that it is not sinful to seek for a medical attention when you are faced with an infertility problem. There are a lot of supports groups formed which are aimed at helping, encouraging and supporting those Christians that are having infertility problem. 

These support groups can also be instrumental at helping to bring people who suffer the same predicament together for a chat, to share their experiences and learn from one another. Because these people have gone through similar problems as yours, they could provide you with the right mental, social and emotional support you need since they have also been there themselves.